Who is kapdewala?

As you all know WALA refers to a seller or vendor of something. Its indicating a person involved in some kind of activity. for example:
Dabbawala- The person who sell milk.
Chaiwala – A person who sell or serves tea.
Rickshawala – A rickshaw driver
Taxiwla – Taxi wala is a taxi driver.
Vegetablewala – vegetable vendor.
Fruitwala – frut wala means fruit seller.

However, wala can be combined with the name of a town or city to indicate someone who comes from there. For example, Delhi-wala or Chennai-wala.

Wala can also be used to specify a certain thing. For example, chhota-wala means small one, laal-wala means red one, kal-wala means yesterday’s one.

Same as kapdewala is a person who sell cloths.

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